Tuesday 6 December 2011


I am very late, but I had to put this up – as it represents everything I stand for. Also because it’s presented by my favourite ‘Stoners’, my only problem was that Bruno wasn't in the video - but anyway, enjoy.

Saturday 3 December 2011

The Munchies with Stoner M…

A month back me and my boy (Stoner M) had a serious smoking session, and quickly found ourselves crazy hungry. I only had sweets at my house (or that’s what I said lol), so we decided to head to Mc Donald’s. Due to being ‘high’ the journey was mad long and I stopped at a shop on the way (where I bought a whole leap of shit I didn’t need lol). When we finally got to Mc Donald’s and it was as if we didn’t know what to buy and held up the cue, as we was thinking. After around 5 minutes we found ourselves and ordered (I got a ‘Big Tasty’), but as much as we bought – the food did nothing and we found ourselves back at mine killing my emergency stash. I must say, don’t share you shit with Stoner M – he’ll finish your load (he ate the stuff I got at the shop and my home stash, I was upset lol).   

Twilight 4 while STONED…

I know it’s a ‘chick flick’, but Twilight actually was a story I used to follow. So yes, I’ve seen 1,2,3 & 4 - but made an interesting discovery with number 4 (breaking dawn). I visited the cinema on the weekend ‘STONED!’ and a little tipsy, only to find out how silly the concept is and how corny/boring the film was. To be fair my best bit was the end, as it was actually aimed to grab your attention and make you look out for the next one (NO WAY!). I’m a ‘Stoner’ so I keep my posts short, and from my opinion in what to watch while high – Twilight 4 is a ‘No Go!’ and gets a rating of 2 (out of 10). This is simply because it’s far too long, they’ve dragged out the story and it ruined my high – sorry Edward.