Saturday 21 January 2012

#Sad-Times 

It hurts my heart when my stash starts to finish or run low. I can’t believe my ‘Thai’ weed is nearly done - I must say, we had some good times (lmao).

Juicy J...

I was introduced to ‘Juicy J’ years ago and wasn't impressed by him – I respected the fact that he is part of ‘Three 6 Mafia’ but that was it. It was only when I came across ‘Zip & A Double Cup’ that he caught my attention. All I can say as a ‘Stoner’ is check him out, as he is worth a second look!

Friday 13 January 2012

She's got moves like 'Jagger' lmao

I am not even going to say anything about this video. Just understand that it had me choking on smoke with laughter. Watch at your own risk! (lmao)

Monday 9 January 2012


This is my favorite song at the moment, Kid Cudi really knows how to make the truth sound cool.

Stoner Pics...

Finally, some London Stoners! ‘Piff Gang’

Over the holiday a friend showed me a 'stoner tune' called ‘Jiff Gang’, by Piff Gang. I really liked the song and felt the video was very creative. I was also over the moon that they were ‘London Stoners’- here’s some of their material, they also have a cool blog.

A very drunk and ‘Thai’ Christmas & New Years : )

While everyone was running around doing last minute shopping on Christmas Eve, I was searching London for some serious weed.  I originally started my search looking for ‘Blue Cheese’, but ended up coming home with ‘Thai’ weed. I must say I under estimated its power, as after my first zoot (Spliff) I went to sleep. But on Christmas Day I sparked up and blazed just before dinner.  After, as I made my downstairs to eat with my family - I felt as if I was floating and had to hold the wall to get down the stairs. Obviously (due to being high), the food was amazing – but I found myself struggling to put sentences together and was very quite on the dinner table lol. Moving into the night I sparked up again with my little brother and had a few drinks. After 2 zoots, we found ourselves doing ‘Rap Karaoke’ and dancing to 90’s tunes. I woke up the next morning on my bedroom floor and found my little brother sleeping in my door way.

On New Year’s Eve, I meet up with Stoner M and we went for a drink on Brick Lane – on route we sparked up a blunt and had to make a serious stop at KFC (Munchies). By the time we arrived at Apple & Pears (a bar on Brick Lane), we was super high and the cider we bought doubled the effect. After the count down, we found ourselves partying hard with two females who had taken ‘MDA’ – I then got a phone call about a house party in Romford. On route, we sparked up in the car and listened to 'Watch The Throne'. We got to the party super high (again) and ready to party, only to find out that it was dead (Arrhh #SadTimes). To save ourselves from getting pissed, we sparked up again and spoke about 2011 with a few other friends (What was good? What was bad? etc..). As the party didn’t pick up we left at 4:30 and made a stop at McDonald’s. All I remember after this, was waking up in my clothes and having chips on my face.

For me, this was a perfect start to the year (minus the chips) and I’ll definitely be purchasing more ‘Thai’!  It’s a strong buzz, but you can still function - you may have some short term memory loss though lol. The only thing that I didn’t like was the red string, as it’s annoying when you’re rolling up.