Thursday 17 November 2011


Here are a few song that I keep in rotation, non – stoners may not may not feel/like all of them – but when I’m high these are all I want to hear.  I say this because they reflect how I feel (when stoned lol) and encourage me to get higher.

Friday 11 November 2011

Kat Williams tells it how it is…LMAO

All I can say is watch this, and make sure you listen up - as Kat indicates some serous truths. What made me the laugh the most, is that it was made it into a song (Legend!).  

I love Stoner girls...

While we wait for ‘Stoner Girls gone Wild’ episode 3 to come out – found myself lusting for stoner girls. In my opinion, ‘they are the sexist girls alive’ (I think it’s a fetish of mine #SMH)! Here are a few pictures I found - I’m still looking for London stoner girls though (where are you? lol). 

A Stoner’s must see! (How to roll the perfect joint)

I call this ‘A Stoner’s must see’ simply because, in order for you to get high – you must roll up. This was a process that took me some time to master, so I thought I’d make life easy and give you some clear instruction (this is for beginners).  Please don’t get me wrong, there are loads of ways/methods of doing it, I just think this is a good start - this is not me by the way!..

15 High moments, by Wiz Khalifa.. . LMAO

Well since he is the ‘Prince of getting high’, it was only right I put this up. Sometimes I wish I had a camera to capture some of my own high moments, as I wonder what crazy shit I’d say or do lol! But enjoy Wiz’s for now, as his are actually funny…

Thank guys...

I am a firm believer that everything must start somewhere and for me I guess my start/influence came from these two (picture below). Wiz and Snoop you are my favourite ‘stoners’, please continue to stay high – as smoking wouldn’t be smoking without you (I love guys – no homo)! J

Friday 4 November 2011

OMG.. Miley is a ‘Stoner Girl’

Well, with how cute she is and how upset her fans maybe – it gives me great pleasure to present Miley smoking on a huge bong. I personally found it sexy and wondered what weed she was smoking? Yes, I am a little late with this news feed, but rumor has it that Miley‘s comment about this was ‘I thought it was flavoured tobacco’ (YEAH RIGHT!!!) – anyway enjoy!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

I love stoner girls, especially when they are wild!!!

‘Stoner Girls Gone Wild’ is an American based DVD presented by Berner, when I first saw it I was literally blown away to the point that - I can’t wait for the DVD to come out. I am not going to give away much about its content, as the tittle speaks for it-self (The first two episodes are posted below). All I will say is ‘I need to get like Berner’ and if you are a ‘stoner chick’ in London or the UK - contact me!!! J

A show that’s not for everyone, but I surprisingly like it!

I am a big drug movie/series fan, especial when the bad guy (dealer) ends up on top. What draws me in and keeps my attention is the elements of truth behind story and how close it is too reality. Some of my all-time greats are; Paid in Full, Blow, The Wire, American Gangster and the best show in the world ‘Breaking Bad’ (Well, according to me and my mates anyway).

I’d come close to the end of the Breaking Bad series and was suggested to watch Weeds (a  dark comedy about a single mother who makes ends meet by selling marijuana in the fictional suburb of Agrestic). After watching the first two episodes I was offended and thought the show was silly, but as I continued to progress through session one I fell in love with it. I feel as if the comedy actually works and it’s a show you can watch while high and still get it lol.

Another great feature is the main character ‘Nancy’ (the mum/dealer), I say this mainly because she’s a sexy M.i.L.F who loves sex and I’d love to personally give it to her. I am not sure if it’s a show for everyone, but if you do get a chance give it a try – if not then just look at Nancy’s hot pictures below..

Stoner TUUNNNNEEE!!!……

I know, I know – this is not a recent song by Ludacris. But it had to be my fist ‘Stoner TUUNNNNEEE..’ simply because this was the first song that nailed it for me, about getting high. I used to play this tune over and over and a wish I could live out the lyrics. Well, years on I still haven’t had the chance to sample ‘Blueberry Yum Yum’ as of yet – but I have had some amazing high experiences.  If anyone has any or knows where to get some (Blueberry Yum Yum), please find me in East London – we can spark up and listen to this song at the same time lol….

Tuesday 1 November 2011

I got a BONG… :)

I came across it around 2 weeks ago and bought it purely under the influence of watching Dug and Andy in ‘Weeds’ (an American series).  I finally decided to use it last weekend, but found that it didn’t have the same effect as a zoot (joint).  I’m not sure if it’s me (not knowing how to use it) or that it’s just a different high? Looking at this from a positive angel (and not thinking I wasted my money), all I can only say is ‘she’s a very pretty bong’ that now spends her sexy time on my window ledge (not for meL)…

‘A must watch, while high!’…. (lmao)

I’m not sure if you do this, but sometimes when I’m ‘up in the clouds’ (high) and at home - I surf the net and come across the most funniest videos. I don’t know if this is because the ‘giggles’ have kicked in or that the videos I find are sincerely hilarious. I have posted some of my recent discoveries below and I suggest you watch these while high (to get the full effect lol), as each of them have had me in tears of laughter and gave me something interesting to show my Somalian mates.